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Buffy headed marmoset

Buffy-headed marmoset introduction

The buffy-headed marmoset (Callithrix flaviceps) is a rare species of marmoset endemic to the rainforests of south-eastern Brazil. It occurs in southern Espírito Santo and possibly northern Rio de Janeiro and its distribution extends into Minas Gerais. The buffy-headed marmoset (Callithrix flaviceps) is a rare species of marmoset endemic to the rainforests of south-eastern Brazil. It occurs in southern Espírito Santo and possibly northern Rio de Janeiro and its distribution extends into Minas Gerais.


Buffy-headed marmosets have a light, gray-brownish coat, with a cream-colored face, a yellowish-beige head and neck, and short, yellowish ear tufts. One endearing characteristic is the grayish shade of the fur above their eyes, which gives their faces a clownish appearance.   


                                                                                                                       (source: The revelator   )

Marmosets hold the distinction as the world's smallest primates. The miniature buffy-headed marmoset is about the size of a kitten, weighing from 14 oz to 1 lb (0.4–0.45 kg), with a head-to-body length between 7.1 and 11.8 in (18–30 cm). Its long tail adds another 6.8–15.9 in (17.2–40.5 cm).

                                (source: New England Primate Conservancy)

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